суббота, 5 мая 2012 г.

' To know, where the fall ' or that we interfere with the Internet?

Catherine went to the link to the blog ' Digital Library - from design to implementation '. http://community. livejournal. com / elibconsult /. Although the thought that there is quite far from my interests (well, we are not mature enough yet!). But!. A lot of interesting things in the messages themselves, and in the comments for those librarians who have ( been looking for the right words, something like this:) develops a communication network with colleagues and readers. What is chosen (brief quotes ):.

7 errors kororativnyh blogs.
a. Trying to sell.
2. Expectation that all will go by itself,.
3. Unwillingness to communicate with the consumer.
4. The desire to control,.
5. Fear of negative,.
6. Lack of marketing strategy.
7. No enthusiast.

About the scandal and negativity in social networks.

' According to some specialists of library science, one of the reasons that have been launched online projects, whether it is a library blog, forum, guest book, or have been abandoned - the negative user reviews. Ideally, since we assume that this site will be used solely for communication, ... However, the reality is often quite the opposite - people come to talk about the fact that they are not satisfied '.

Although a newcomer, but in full agreement. This case is moving, enthusiasts and need to be ready to communicate, and to any reaction to his words and actions.

Therefore, admire and revere. portal 'Reading 21 '!. They only need to register (fast ) and you can place your materials in the sections ... It is strange that such luxury features are used so little of all libraries. Maybe more ads?.

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