When the mood or to hell, and I want to kill him.
When burned all the bridges, and there was nothing in common.
As between you grew up like a wall.
When all is lost, and I want to cry of impotence.
No man can say, ' I'm sorry, broke, you know, I have a month soon. '.
A woman may.
пятница, 30 марта 2012 г.
The superiority of women over men
The future of Chromium OS - an interview with Hexxeh
More recently, the site. chromeossite. com. interviewed Hexxeh, which deals with ... That's actually his questions and answers:.
The main question: I know that you do not have an exact answer to this question, but I still want to hear what you think about when will be officially launched Chrome OS and when do you think. will. the first device based on it?.
I would say that in November-December.
Based on the previous question, do not you think that the way Chrome OS will be a threat to the project Chromium OS? .
I would not say so much a threat to straight. It's a good thing, in fact,. Many people see the Chrome OS Soup in stores and they like the concept of Chrome OS, but they do not want to buy this new laptop or a netbook. And as far as I know, Google is not going to support all existing hardware, many people are still able to come home and get an informal assembly, which will run it on their laptop.
Similarly, many people use third-party firmware for improved system Android, CyanogenMod such. And I suspect that many will want to run and redesigned version of Chrome OS on their devices. I'm pretty sure that the device will include an opportunity to replace the original version of his own version as a development environment. Do not quote me, but I believe that 's the way it is. That's why I believe we will see a huge increase in users is informal assemblies, when Chrome OS devices will be announced and will appear in stores. Already, there are 85,000 users of my builds, and I expect that this number will triple with the launch of Chrome OS.
If you have short-term plans to release a new build Chromium OS? .
In the near future, I'm going to add a virtual machine in the assembly of Vanilla. Above this there is still much work at first screwed QEMU, VMWare Player and then. With VirtualBox will be more hassle, but it can also be expected in the near future.
Do not expect something grand in the next couple of months, the problem at source, and the time has now become smaller because of the college, so that progress will not be so quick. As a first priority now is the problem - to update a series of Flow assembly, bring up the level of Vanilla, but with some additional support for the iron. In the end, I would like to merge these assemblies, but this is still very far. The name also has not yet decided, towards the end we'll see.
Where are you hoping to see their brand ...
Well, while I do not think this is some brand. I think we should focus on maintaining and distributing versions of Chromium OS close to the official version of how this is possible only with an increased number of supported hardware. It seems to me that this is what would be a big part of users, and that 's what I'll continue to work. Let's hope that Google will do something more for the maintenance of the existing iron. I know they do not hope that people will use the Chrome OS right now, but maybe they will support the work after the official release. Although really doubt it. I think that they will leave it to people like me, and it is clear why. Supports all current hardware, so much so as to guarantee the stability and reliability, it is a real problem, I tell you. I do not blame them in this. Any instability will affect them very badly, no matter how many times they warn users.
While this is not an end in itself for me, the challenge is simply to maintain ' freshness ' of the product with the release of the official version.
We have already talked about the possibility of Chrome OS eclipse ' independent ' projects with Chromium OS, but we can see that the invariable success of Chrome OS - is still a topic of hot debate. Do you believe in the fact that Chrome OS will be successful? .
Judging by the number of downloads of various assemblies Chromium OS, then the Chrome OS will be one more blast. Chrome OS much easier to work with a computer that is suitable for many Internet users to a simple. I even predict that it will be akin to running iPads that have become standards in the world odnochaste pills. Many people still criticized for its simplification of the iPad even before its release, complaining that Apple has not equipped it with a system similar to the familiar desktop. Nevertheless, six months later, we are witnessing one of the huge levels of sales of these same iPads. Chrome OS will have to make a similar splash in the market of laptops and netbooks, I think that Google is waiting for a similar success.
This is definitely not a hoax, but there are some big reservations. It was just a cool demonstration of technical. And it's not something over which I have actually worked. However, I will post instructions for those wishing to. But I must warn you that this is quite a difficult process to do this simple vidyushku.
Finally, I ask a question you would like to ask you many admirers. Since you are a prominent figure in the Chromium OS community, whether Google ' sympathetic ' to your endeavors in developing their own assemblies, or you act on your intuition?.
Google was just wonderful, very responsive. They connected me to a few cool developments Chrome and Chrome OS and handed chic Nexus One a few weeks ago. Many thanks to all the guys, looking forward to new meetings with their team in the coming months! .
Interview over, thank you for your detailed answers, good luck and blah blah blah.
Those who read to the end of the interview, it may be interesting to see what is actually Comrade Hexxeh. There has been a sharp revaluation of your interview, after what he saw?.
вторник, 27 марта 2012 г.
We are not magicians, we are just learning!
Everyone in my life, at least once, faced with the problem of understanding women and men. When trying to communicate something, and all for nothing, all is not seen as necessary. When it is very important to find a compromise, consciously go against themselves, forgetting about the pride, or will remain without their favorite or a loved one. There are many books about family relationships, about how to behave in certain situations. I am an ordinary person, and in my family is not always going smoothly as we would like. I have a book 'Family psychologist ' would read, but when opened, it is written is very tedious, tricky words, and not interested. Yesterday, leafing through a women's magazine and came across a parable, just the same understanding of the family, written concisely and clearly, and do not need to invent!.
The high contracting parties were seated on both ends of the table, and between them inconspicuous shade perched translator.
all were silent. He first started.
- I love you.
She winced, but she made the sign of the interpreter and said:.
- He says, ' I have the patience, I am ready to listen and try to understand you '.
She chuckled and said bitterly:.
- You always knew how to say nice words, but I have things from you, probably never wait.
The interpreter turned to him and said:.
- She says, ' I love you too. Only love has helped me to endure all this '.
He spoke, and his voice was a meal.
- I do so I can not. Everything I do, you do not like. You're always criticizing.
Translator turned back to her and said:.
- He says: ' I've got sprawling, vulnerable ego. It makes me take all your words as an attack, and I involuntarily start to see your enemy '.
She looked at him - without the hatred. Even with the pity, from which to love - a half step.
- I'll try to remember this, but you have to stop being a kid. It's time to grow up in the thirties!.
The interpreter turned to Him.
They left together, shoulder to shoulder, almost hand in hand. On the threshold he turned and ran up to the interpreter, slapped him on the back and exclaimed:.
- Yes you are, brother, a pro! .
The translator is not answered, he caught sight of her eyes and quietly moved:.
- He said to me: ' I want to learn to understand it myself '.
I wish you all happiness and understanding! . This is our rear, our fortress.
понедельник, 26 марта 2012 г.
For some reason people think that the sale - it is a sacred art, which have long to learn. However, it is much easier. It is necessary to change the point of view. It is necessary to take the place of a teenager in love. That's who you are when you start your sales statistics. Young pimply college boy with glasses. And for that you should love the property, it?.
Treat the client as to the desired girl. You want it, you already imagine how you'll tumble into bed with her. But you and would never carry it at once in bed. The client, like a girl, insulted and refuse.
Speak compliments, attention, and strew the proposals ( with flowers ), call as often as possible. Meet. Meetings - a direct path to a permanent relationship. The less frequently your calls and rarely shows your attention, the better the chance that, as a girl, and the client - will turn his attention to someone else. Strive for a client, as sought would be a girl.
Did not notice how similar these inspirational ' Yes! ': ' Yes' when he signed the contract, and ' yes' when she takes your kiss and do not mind that your hand stroking her ass. And an orgasm when they arrive. I'm talking about money to your account. Or about her screams of pleasure. It's the devil, because surprising.
And what girl would be glad if you poimeete her hard in the anus and into the night? .
Customer must love and not to fuck. It's so easy.
The client does not like to share it with others. Not to mention other clients in vain, if you're not fucked Sobchak - this is not a woman, and the symbol.
The client loves the passion. Can not burn with passion - leave this job. This is not for you.
Girls love confident. Customers are no different in this respect.
The client is usually a permanent relationship. Sometimes he is not averse to marriage. If conditions are suitable. So keep ready a suitable marriage contract.
You have already realized that it is endless: from the first compliment to the betrayal and hatred. So you can safely continue for me in the comments. And for those who do not understand, just say that if you hate their customers and trying to fuck them as much as possible, it is unlikely it will last a long time. And in any case, I feel sorry for you. Love one another.
something about. China and travel. asked propiarit. PR.
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суббота, 24 марта 2012 г.
St. Petersburg kreshtest
Because wild jams, mainly due to cleaning the snow in the city, missed the Startup Point, although clearly planned.
As for the ACT, Peter. It has been all very well. Gleb gathered the right people ( startups, experts, viewers), Vitaly VERY cool ensured holding of the event. There were about 70 people, and there were different people, from students and entrepreneurs to major names in the IT business, and even teachers of IT schools. Surprised that people have arrived from Moscow, this level is impressive kommitmenta Experts.
Broadcast video does not start, something glyuknulo a pity.
Instead, the panel or report was made by me and shared his experience as everything went. For timing, and watched like runs out, but then started to fuss, we should also mention something, and then this and that. Did something for which everyone is always giving to the head at events. I confess.
The event went well, I did not present earlier presentations of startups, but I looked them up, the level of a decent. It's a pity that all the three together made no changes in the presentation of the results of running the day before.
All writing on video, so expect that soon.
Acne has collected all the experts that in the end spent 20 minutes trying to discuss how it was and what should be done better. Videos must iff needs to shake, but it was good - it is:.
- Write down five rules of ACT is not difficult, but fundamental.
- Clearly draws the startups market and it is not clear - big or small.
- Manage the debate moderators (but it will come with experience ).
I would like to thank. Ingria. and. IBS. for support. When we run - we did not have such a man and two without such support would not be able to raise the first event at this level.
After talking with the people understand the fundamental difference between. ACT. and. Start-up Points. That allows more cooperation vystravat. ACT. - An internal tusovka entrepreneurs, where they are not obusuzhdayut investoprivlekatelnost startups, and issues related to the construction business. In the Start- Point - after a presentation -oriented investors, primarily. It turns out that the CTS - it is for the earlier stages of a startup, and Point for the more mature who are willing to go to the investors.
Well, in general, the trip was very positive, will have the opportunity, I'll come again.
PS. We will remodel the site sctest. org for a series of event in different cities. Since there is such interest in Russia and Europe , then make a good and useful work.
ZYY. It's a pity that it is not met in person with. @ olyapka.
ZYYY. In fact, in St. Petersburg strange to see such attention to my person. Do you have it on a local level, people who also do a lot for this community. And then a chuvstoval Kish Vorobyaninov:) Yes! .
четверг, 22 марта 2012 г.
AgileDays'10 in St. Petersburg
INFA of AD'10 until fine has not been published, but some grains have already started to appear, such as online ScrumTrek:. http://scrumtrek. ru/trainings-timetable/register/75.
I plan on not losing face and hand on the AD'10 something better than his report on the AD'09. So many ideas, so many ideas. :).
среда, 21 марта 2012 г.
Pipiska you are not old enough!
Recently, more and more confronted with the comments, they say, your words felt in the spirit of small business. Did so, I never hid the fact that I'm doing a small business. Not average, not great, but it is small. But it never makes me a leper. And even more strange to hear such comments from people who saw only a big business out of the window of his office in the department for five people.
I can not grasp that such a bad and humiliating lesson in small business. Well, not rushing me to the idea of commanding a team of a thousand people. There are about twenty - and that's enough. And the word ' growth ' I also understand in their own. My heart aches at the thought suddenly become part of a big success - I'm too greedy for that, I have one and all. There is nothing wrong in that I do not see. Some money and success, and someone more like the total control. And all the money still does not make money and not spend. Being the same master, able to deploy on its own path of his creation - it's very cool actually. Share and consult - not for me. So the way of development, I chose consciously.
Anyone who has decided to be realized in the business, at one point before the problem arises that the money for more rapid development and it does not, and there are only those who want to share in the business. And you have to make a choice: restrain personal ambitions for the sake of corporate ambition, even with the risk of losing control of the company. I do not think that some of the ways has the advantage. After all, it is not about the money, if I only thought about them, I would have been better developed his skills and became an expert megasuperoplachivaemym. Here the moral choices rather. I made it. From a material point of view because I achieved the ceiling of their demands and desires, and in many ways has already reached. From a moral can I be a little more comfortable, but completely controlling shareholder of their company. The life of me, I do not see anything wrong here, either for themselves or for their ambitions.
More about business - I was a marketer
I finished on the fact that the graphic arts industry as a producer I could not get. As a result, the sad experience I have developed a persistent aversion to partnership, but the relative freedom provided by a business, made scratching nails to keep it and not return to the office.
So, we had three. I am the manager and designer. Fall through the election we've been through quite easily, but the winter is much for us to hit. Then for the first time introduced a ten-day vacation, and people are unaccustomed to them was done on the whole, and five days out of drinking bouts and otherwise restored, t. e. any work we did not have. Such is the fate of an advertising agency - it only works when running clients.
Then from starving to death saved me a case. In a Web -studio, where I worked before retiring as an independent voyage, there was a bad case involving the sloppiness of their then- programmer. To be more precise, he could not, and the time left. Both the client began to beat their drums and face sanctions. Then my former boss asked, and I could not refuse and took three days that month failed another programmer. The project was completed on time, I got a job for 300 bucks and was terribly pleased with a part-time job. But the boss gave me a sly offer to work for the glory of the company on an ongoing basis. I'm fright sounded quite so fabulous condition, and he agreed.
So I have to spring in parallel with business again worked a Web programmer, but for three times the salary and half -time. I do not remember that good quality and while I did for the web-studio, but our business as an advertising agency, began to develop.
Gradually the number of customers began to grow, and by spring I stopped subsidizing employees of their earnings - the company once again became a payback. In addition, slowly and gradually we began to do sites, however, the basic wage then was still concentrated in the field of Printing and Souvenirs. Then I have conducted calculations of costs and revenues, and I can say that at an average discount of 10-15% for contractors, our profit amounted to 30-35% of the shaft. Yes, we shamelessly cheat. Shamelessly, because of how advertising managers have been many, and the commission it is not covered. Earnings in the design salary barely beat a designer and as I recall, he was always up to the dismissal of a subsidized unit in the company.
By summer, we took second in the state manager. It was the first friend of the manager. Moreover, we have a courier secretary. Initially, it was just a college student who was running with the paperwork and orders of the city, but mostly just sitting on our couch with a magazine barter. Eventually, I began to draw it to work with papers. life is getting better.
And then I decided to do marketing. Why does not actually. I read the book Kotler, a few more books on marketing, the thickness of a hand, and wrote the first creative development plan. To my surprise, he was admitted. As a result, for all the time while I worked on this, I have only once been refused, and the six times I got a contract to manage advertising. And several times to create a corporate identity.
The idea we had to develop a corporate identity, advertising and promotion of the concept. But the reality is no need to. Probably in large companies as to justify the existence of a post of director of marketing, but in small, but we have worked with it, I had just put a normal advertising campaign. So for the most part we just did the normal rules constructed by intelligible perception and Russian campaign, and our clients are getting paid for it, because neither the taste nor the knowledge to do it themselves they lacked. To my shame we did not take kickbacks, inflated prices and not at all honest work, sometimes on a commission discount, and sometimes without. On average, we have earned one of 10 to 20 thousand rubles a month. A peak was four clients at once.
Then one of the largest and most prospective client went to the bottom - partners quarreled among themselves over the embezzlement of up to one of the roofs on both sides. Because of the quarrels they went to the section of the company, and eventually lost in the first place in its field and is no longer able to climb. Then there was a conflict we have with one of our clients, who listened to his wife more than us, so that advertising has not reached the consumer, and remained in the layouts, altered six times. The third client was released at the peak of consumption, and found it unwise to continue to pay. So over time, not a single client to advertising services, but by the time I was myself tired of the constant need to think of something. Coming up for one company it is easy for the two - more difficult, but possible. But when it is three or four companies in operation, then the roof goes, and just distracting thoughts.
I must say that during all this madness, there was an important marketing event - my long-standing client of printing, small advertising agency decided to outdoor stands in the person of its director to offer to our agency 's hand and heart and to move. For Congress, was chosen large room on the 80kv. m. with a six-meter ceilings. It even impressed the minimum repair the volumes. Moreover, the price of rent was tolerable, but six months we did not pay it, as did repairs on their own.
The union has been uneven. Outdoor advertising did turn around twice, and staff has been almost twenty people, if we assume that shop workers. However, we were young and daring and we are a little worried that it would be. So we put the staff before the fact.
As it turned out, my staff did not like it. However, if it was not too much. Approximately three months before moving to my manager tried after a drunken quarrel with her husband get drunk and pills to commit suicide. In the end, I'm an ambulance in the middle of the night it cleared the stomach. As a result, I do not particularly strained it, and there was more than allowed to remain at home, then sent it at his own expense on a camp site, quietly looking at the fact that it sits at home with the child.
Meanwhile we have moved. And on the day of its release manager called and said she was dismissed and will run by itself. Later I learned that she had a couple of months, covering the child 's disease, has issued a state of emergency, took a loan and bought a small printing device. And she went. To say that I ohrenel - it's nothing to say. 60% of its customers were. And they gave me to understand at once that it would lead them to a. That's really hell - I said, and rang the key customers. In the end, I saved nothing at all to customers, but these were the main customers for the money. But otherwise I had to start all over again.
Here, as never before by the way, the problem turned out to be my partner in the office. Umotal the owner to another city to put a new business, and in his otstutstvie his sopartner and chief executive officer, individually, effectively killed the company. Without going into details, the company came under the tax problems, so that the account was blocked by a huge collection. As a result, all payments of customers, as well as customers themselves transferred to me. Accordingly, I inherited, and agents, and designer, and all other. However, when the ship is sinking, the rats are fleeing. By the New Year on the heels of the two companies remained manager, designer and technologist. I fired the last of alcoholism and absenteeism. He eventually led to even the manager and the New Year I have met with little or no staff. dawned fucked.
Until February, we somehow have lasted for stocks to fall. Autumn by combining teams came out relatively successful. Frankly, I was first turned over one million rubles per month, and for the quarter - more than two. We have nearly ten thousand calendars, and even though stocks were nearly fifty thousand rubles as a result, we were still in a good profit. But by February, I was just a manager, a team with such a cold brew is not selling. Helped a little that I passed the quarter- Crewing office, the owner of which we eventually struck up a friendship, which is hard to describe in one word. Later he also became my client, and fellow travel to Lithuania, and half stag, we rented an apartment for two. But then this lease did not solve my problems. So I decided to take the risk.
Again I took the head of sales. Good girl, who had just lost her job because of a conflict with the leadership in the consulting agency. For some reason I thought that a man should put on the sale of uranium. In fact, she was able to put the accounting and douvolit all whom I have not had the strength to fire. Two months later, we parted, and with her gone and managers, which she tried to make prodazhnikami.
I spat, tightened the belt, took a couple of loans and have decided to continue to beat himself. I became more involved in fewer sites and advertisements. The volume of orders on sites began to grow at an interesting reason - I did a poster for a local business magazine. I did it for free. to barter. And that has made the company prominent in the city, it has provided, among other. They began to take calls, customers. Sometimes, customers cited the case of the blind, as brought to me walking past the office with the order at the Croatian 2tys. euro. Sometimes, clients brought friends. Over time, my first customers began to bring other customers. Advertising has become part of the decay.
Close the advertisement department, I could not bring himself - after the fall, it generated revenues, and the rest of the time discouraged himself in a zero. In addition, I wanted to keep a semblance of staff. But think about it, and zero prospects of usefulness, I became increasingly. So do not let one of the care managers, and then parted ways with the designer, in fact sold it to another company. We left two. At 80 square meters. m. That was cool.
In the studio, Lebedev hang pictures of the central room, where they beat pillows - I had about the same size office. I set up the tables at the edges, and the center rode a bicycle. Vertical held metal screed: a thick metal rod, wrapped node (see. in the photo ) - we talked to customers, the builders with the mat, and chisel tightened the knot, and they believed. But by next spring crewing slipped, I was alone and in a couple months left office, he moved to a safe place. A new phase of existence, the company, which can be conditionally entitled, as the optimization of costs and slow growth, which led me including seo.
During this period, I totally played enough with the advertising agency, natrahalsya to printing so that he could not see her without a shudder, finally lost faith in the reliability and the ability of people to work without kicking. It was a wonderful experience doing business in a complete lack of understanding of why it works that way - I was in many respects to the touch. Now I call this period of his university, and for a fee. Also, if I think about the next off-line business, I am reminded of my experience and mind you it, mind you.
Marketing I never left, but translated it into the category of free consulting. Nothing else, as the work of marketer, has not given me such an invaluable experience for the penetration of other business. For example, I learned to get loans and helped to get different people together around 4 million. rubles. In fact, I know that certain banks best banks themselves. In memory of the activities I was five credit cards and two conventional loan on almost a million rubles.
To her the apartment period I came not only as reklaschik, I already had a web-studio capable of producing 5-6 sites per month. Almost no staff, I managed to do this work and advise the partner agency in Nizhny Novgorod on site building. I started by the time its network of thematic portals, which gradually gained momentum and is now overgrown with trust and brings a good profit in the affiliate. If you are going to engage with advertising, I have prepared a soft cushion in the form of web-studio and only then began to reduce the amount and time given to projects of regular advertising. But about seo, Sapa, blogging, and even then I serche had no idea. It was my terra incognita, the penetration of which I will discuss later on.
The main conclusion that I made for myself is that if you can not control the people on the payroll - put them on a deal. Then once there is motivation. And they have, and you.
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Max Shkolnik
Once every couple of days will spread to the post. He refused it Delate. Looks out of modesty.
DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE Habré. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/blog-post. html.
part 1. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/coding-for-equity. html.
part 2. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/coding-for-equity_13. html.
part 3. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/coding-for-equity_14. html.
part 4. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/coding-for-equity_6827. html.
Max answers questions. http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2010/10/coding-for-equity_15. html.
вторник, 20 марта 2012 г.
Advanced User Notes with a new service from New York Times
New York Times Company runs a service called ShifD, whose main function is to send the user-selected content to a central server. Access to information can be sent easily obtained from a personal computer, telephone or any similar device.
The service will operate as follows: simply ... For example, if you visit the restaurant you liked any brand of wine, send ... The reverse situation, while at the store, check out the electronic version of your favorite recipes and just get the necessary ingredients.
Access to user account via the Internet, for example, by telephone Browser. The friendly interface of the shell consists of only three units: the entry page and place. Users can leave markings on the film premieres have interested, shops, books, etc. Dr.. Information can be added via a web browser or by sending an SMS. The service will be compatible with most modern phones, whether it's iPhone, Blackberriy, Razr or Palm Treo.
понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.
Dell E4300 and E4200 - on sale soon
Two recently announced a Dell laptop E4300 and E4200 with diagonals of 13. 3 and 12. 1 inch to go on sale September 16. Laptops have Latitude ON module svzya provides instant access to email and the Internet, and are also equipped with a Core 2 Duo.
Laptops with up to 8GB of RAM, hard drive size of 250GB ( or flash drive to 64GB ), Wi-Fi and have a screen resolution of 1280 x 800.
воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.
Mobile external hard drives LaCie 320 GB
Elegant and lightweight model Little Disk, Design by Sam Hecht is offered in two versions, with either only with the interface Hi-Speed USB 2. 0, or interfaces with the Hi-Speed USB 2. 0 and FireWire 400 ( two ports ). Thus the main technical characteristics of the device are as follows:.
Disk space: 320 GB;.
Spindle Speed : 5400 rpm;.
Buffer memory: 8 MB;.
Operating System Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Mac OS X 10. 3 ( or higher);.
Dimensions: 81 x 129 x 18 mm;.
Weight: 195 g.
In turn, ' armored ' drive Rugged All-Terrain Hard Disk, design by Neil Poulton, ' wrapped ' in a rugged aluminum housing and protected from attacks by special rubber bumper orange color is produced in versions with interface Hi-Speed USB 2. 0 and the universal version of interfaces Hi-Speed USB 2. 0, FireWire 400 and FireWire 800. As for the specifications of the product, they look like this:.
Disk space: 320 GB;.
Spindle Speed : 5400 rpm;.
Buffer memory: 8 MB;.
Operating System Compatibility: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista and Mac OS X 10. 5;.
Dimensions: 90 x 25 x 145 mm;.
Weight: 250 g.
On sale two new items will appear later this month, though their creators have not yet clarify how the prices.
3dnews. ru.
пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.
Mona Lisa is copied from the men!
The global scientific world was shocked by recent statement chairman of the Italian National Committee for Cultural Heritage, SilvanoVincheti as saying that the model of the Mona Lisa could be a man. Namely Salai - an effeminate student and possibly a lover of Leonardo da Vinci. His real name DzhanDzhakomoKaprotti, he was an assistant and a disciple of the great artist at least 25 years. The reason for such a loud statement Italian scientists considered the results of comparing the facial features of people present at the several works, including ... These results are such that the features are identical to the nose and mouth of Mona Lisa.
In the words of Mr. Vichetti, da Vinci is almost invisible even left clues in the form of tiny letters L and S in the eyes of the Mona Lisa. L stands for ... But experts have refuted the Louvre there are any signs in the eyes of the Mona Lisa, referring to the range of specialized studies carried out by the picture in 2004 and 2009. For characters, you can easily take a crack, which always appear in the paint, put on a tree.