пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.

Mona Lisa is copied from the men!

The global scientific world was shocked by recent statement chairman of the Italian National Committee for Cultural Heritage, SilvanoVincheti as saying that the model of the Mona Lisa could be a man. Namely Salai - an effeminate student and possibly a lover of Leonardo da Vinci. His real name DzhanDzhakomoKaprotti, he was an assistant and a disciple of the great artist at least 25 years. The reason for such a loud statement Italian scientists considered the results of comparing the facial features of people present at the several works, including ... These results are such that the features are identical to the nose and mouth of Mona Lisa.

In the words of Mr. Vichetti, da Vinci is almost invisible even left clues in the form of tiny letters L and S in the eyes of the Mona Lisa. L stands for ... But experts have refuted the Louvre there are any signs in the eyes of the Mona Lisa, referring to the range of specialized studies carried out by the picture in 2004 and 2009. For characters, you can easily take a crack, which always appear in the paint, put on a tree.

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